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Self-Awareness Month March 16, 2022

March is a great month to start a self-awareness journal. Here are 5 steps to begin your journalling;

  1. Create a journal that describes you

  2. Chose categories you are interested in

  3. Journal your strengths and weaknesses

  4. Frame your thinking towards growth

  5. Begin your daily journaling


"Look outside and you will see yourself. Look inside and you will find yourself."

~Drew Gerald

We are creatures of habit, doing a particular task the same way each time. Our brains recall and we act.

Now is the time to reflect on who you are. It's challenging looking deep inside of ourselves. It is good practice to implement a self-awareness checks occasionally. It will help you navigate through the burdens of life.

Remember reframe negative thinking about yourself by accenting the positive.


Why are people drawn to you? What makes you love yourself? Write your thoughts in your journal. You might find you are greater than you believed.

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Carolyn Coleman-Grady RN, BSN


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